(c) 2016 Mount Merrion Historical Society
OFFICERS 2023-2024
Chairperson: Des Smyth
Hon Secretary: Peter Walsh
Hon Treasurer:
The Society is open to and welcomes all with an interest in local history.
Season: Oct. 2023 - Sep. 2024
Subscription: €20.00 individual
€30.00 per Couple
For Application / Renewal form please
click here to download
Alternatively payment may be made in person while attending the evening lecture programme.
(c) Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge
(click on an image to enlarge)

Mount Merrion Historical Society was founded in 1985. The Society was quickly into action and put together a programme for the season 1985-86 commencing in October with a film by Paddy Kilroy "A Parish Is Born". In the months that followed there were talks on Irish Aviation by Capt Aidan Quigley, Neolithic Tombs in Ireland by Eoin Grogan, Yesteryear Mount Merrion by Gerard O'Kelly, Dublin from Old Photographs by Eddie Chandler, a film "Crafts" by David Shaw-Smith, The History of Sound 1977-1977 by Sean Logue, and finished with Wilderness Highway-Skelligs-Forgotten Highway by Siobhan and Art Collins.
The Society continues to hold illustrated talks on a seasonal basis on the first Thursday of each month from October to May in the Fitzwilliam Rooms, Community Centre, North Avenue, Mount Merrion. In addition, the Society has traditionally arranged an Annual Outing to a location of some local historical note.
In 2011, the Society completed a project to celebrate 300 years since the establishment of Mount Merrion when Richard, 5th Viscount Fitzwilliam build Mount Merrion Lodge on the site of the current Community Centre. See images below where the 2010 image is clearly identifiable with that from 1711.
Go to Local History for more history on Mount Merrion